Research Students

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[4] Z. Ibork
Started January 2022 - Expected End in 2024
Subject: Exploitation of 3D meshes by convolution networks.
Co-Supervisors: C. Charrier, O. Lézoray, A. Nouri, R. Taouahni
[3] P. Barthe
Started July 2023 - Expected End in 2026
Subject: Automatic slide diagnosis in digital pathology
Co-Supervisors: O. Lézoray, S. Bougleux, R. Brixtel
[2] L. Bour
Started October 2023 - Expected End in 2026
Subject: Μanipulatiοn of latent representatiοns for the editiοn of faces in images and videοs
Co-Supervisors: O. Lézoray, C. Charrier
[1] J. Lasserve
Started September 2024 - Expected End in 2027
Subject: Automated multimodal microscopy: an innovative approach, from data collection and structuring to the development of machine learning models.
Co-Supervisors: O. Lézoray, F. Auvray
[16] R. Dufour
Subject: Instance segmentation in fisheye images and detection of skeletal keypoints in videos: application to video protection on board of the future autonomous train.
Defended November 2022
Co-Supervisors: M. Berbineau, C. Meurie, O. Lézoray
Committee : C. Achard, S. Ainouz, F. Brémond
J. Haddad is now R&D Engineer at Imki (France).
[15] S. Benyahia
Deep learning pour l’aide au diagnostic des lésions cutanées.
Defended July 2022
Co-Supervisors: B. Meftah, O. Lézoray
Committee : H. Teggar, R. Adjoudj, F. Boufera
S. Benyahia is now Assistant Professor at École Supérieure de Gestion et d'Economie Numérique of Tipaza (Algeria).
[14] H. Kadi
Exploring Personalized Medicine Data Using Data Mining Techniques.
Defended December 2021
Co-Supervisors: B. Meftah, O. Lézoray
Committee : S. Boukli, K. Djemal, H. Cardot, S. Chouraqui
H. Kadi is now Engineer (Algeria).
[13] J. Haddad
Analysis of interactions in face-to-face commercial interview videos.
Defended December 2021
Co-Supervisors: O. Lézoray, P. Hamel
Committee : Y. Ruicheck, F. Yang Song, R. Seguier
J. Haddad is now Back-End & Machine Learning Engineer at (France).
[12] J. Nicolle
Les automates dans l'antiquité : sources, fonctions et restitution virtuelle.
Defended September 2020
Co-Supervisors: P. Fleury, O. Lézoray
Committee : G. Moreau, S. Richir, M.-T. Cam
J. Nicolle is now Research Engineer at CIREVE (France).
[11] T. Ben Chattah
Detection of fine structures in images. Application to nano-scale crack detection.
2015 - 2019 (Undefended)
Co-Supervisors: O. Lézoray, S. Bougleux, K. Bsaïes
T. Ben Chattah is now Sotware Engineer at Infotel (France).
[10] C. Coniglio
Detection, tracking and reidentification of people in a network of cameras - Application to the management of passenger flows in multimodal context
2013 - 2016 (Undefended)
Co-Supervisors: O. Lézoray, M. Berbineau, C. Meurie
C. Coniglio is now Senior Developer in Image Processing at CapGemini (France).
[9] S. Bovée
Le regard dans les interactions lors d'entretiens en face-à-face et son analyse parmi les signaux sociaux.
Defended December 2016
Supervisors: O. Lézoray, P. Hamel
Committee : M. Chetouani, F. Morain-Nicolier, M. Revenu
S. Bovée is now Research Engineer at Zero To One Technology (France).
[8] A. Nouri
Cartes de saillance et évaluation de la qualité des maillages 3D.
Defended December 2016
Supervisors: O. Lézoray, C. Charrier
Committee : A. Baskurt, J.-P. Van De Borre, C. Fernandez-Maloigne
A. Nouri is now Associate Professor at Université de Kénita (Morocco).
[7] M. Daisy
Inpainting basé motif d'images et de vidéos appliqué aux données stéréoscopiques avec carte de profondeur.
Defended December 2015
Supervisor: O. Lézoray
Collaborator: D. Tschumperlé
Committee : Y. Gousseau, P. Pérez, C. Guillemot
M. Daisy is now Research Engineer at Dassault Systems (France).
[6] M. Hidane
Décompositions multi-échelles de données définies sur des graphes.
Defended March 2013
Supervisor: O. Lézoray
Collaborator: A. Elmoataz
Committee : L. Blanc-Feraud, F. Malgouyres, A. Chambolle, J. Fadili
M. Hidane is now Associate Professor at INSA Centre Val de Loire (France).
[5] X. Desquesnes
Propagation de fronts et p-laplacien normalisé sur graphes : algorithmes et applications au traitement d'images et de données.
Defended December 2012
Supervisor: A. Elmoataz
Collaborator: O. Lézoray
Committee : L. Najman, R. Deriche, M. Melkemi, R. Monneau
X. Desquesnes is now Associate Professor at the Orléans University (France).
[4] B. Meftah
Contribution des Réseaux de Neurones Temporels dans le Traitement des Images Animées.
Defended June 2011
Co-Supervisors: A. Benyettou, O. Lézoray
Committee : M. Benyettou, N. Benamrane, O. Kazar, K. Benabdeslem
B. Meftah is now Associate Professor at the Mascara University (Algeria).
[3] V-T. Ta
Equations aux différences partielles définies sur des graphes pour le traitement d'images et de données.
Defended December 2 2010
Supervisor: A. Elmoataz
Collaborator: O. Lézoray
Committee : P. Maragos, L. Najman, L. Cohen, J-M. Jolion, R. Malgouyres
V-T. Ta is now Associate Professor at the Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute (France).
[2] G. Lebrun
Sélection de modèles pour la classification supervisée avec des SVM. Application en traitement et analyse d'images
Defended November 24 2006
Supervisor: H. Cardot
Collaborator: O. Lézoray, C. Charrier
Committee : M. Revenu, S. Canu, H. Paugam-Moisy
G. Lebrun is now Teacher at the Caen Engineering School ENSICAEN (France).
[1] C. Meurie
Segmentation d'images couleur par classification pixellaire et hiérarchie de partitions
Defended October, 25 2005
Supervisor: A. Elmoataz
Collaborator: O. Lézoray
Committee : M. Revenu, P. Gouton, C. Fernandez-Maloigne, H. cardot, A. Elmoataz
C. Meurie is now a permament researcher at the French Institute of Science and Technology for transport, development and networks.