Research Databases Dermoscopy

Dermoscopy Skin Lesion Multispectral Image Database

This database contains 30 multispectral dermoscopic images (800 x 600) composed of 6 spectral bands (3 in visible light and 3 in infrared -IR- light). They were acquired at the Grenoble Hospital with a multispectral camera from the Intuiskin company within the MELASCAN project ( ANR-10-TECS-0018). Each multispectral image contains a skin lesion and to each image is associated a reference segmentation in the form of a binary image.
Dermoscopy Lesions

You can access to this database by the following link. Download the Dermoscopy Skin Lesion Multispectral Image Database.

You are free to use the dataset for non-commercial research and educational purposes. In exchange, we request only that you cite our ICIP paper:

@inproceedings {cin-Lezoray-2014-1,
title = {Graph-based skin lesion segmentation of multispectral dermoscopic images},
author = {O. L{\'e}zoray and M. Revenu and M. Desvignes},
booktitle = {International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE)},
pages = {897-901},
year = {2014},
source = {}